Our Mediakit will grow with information, logo’s, images
and press releases. For Now this is what we have to offer:
01/06/03 |
01/05/03 | |
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Logo's: Screen
Photoshop |
Logo: Print - Illustrator |
Logo: Print Freehand |
Swikiri Info -
Word |
Swikiri Mediakit
Zip |
[.zip - pc] (270kb) |
Spread the fire. Sow the seeds.
Help expose the creativity and messages of Africa. Tell other
people about SWIKIRI. Interaction through communication is the
fundamental process that challenges and develops people to innovate.
The more exposure achieved the greater the chance of this.
Journalists and Press representatives, school-newspaper editors,
website administrators, radio broadcasters, ANYBODY with a voice,
help us inspire and inform the public.